Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Shortcut Keys for QTP

Short keys:

Ctrl+M       à to comment block of statements

Ctrl+Shift+M àto uncomment block of statements

Ctrl+W       à to apply “With” to script

Ctrl+Shift+W àto remove “With” from script

Ctrl+F7      àto check syntax error

Shift+F2     àto Rename Action

F3              à for Standard Recording

Shift+Alt+F3           à analog recording

Ctrl+Shift+F3         àLow-level recording

F4              àto stop Recording/Run

F5              àto Run script

Ctrl+R                    àto open Object Repository

F9              àBreakpoint

F11                        àStep Into

Password Encoder

Password Encoder:
It is built-in tool in QTP to generate encoded string for given password value

Ø  Start menu
Ø  All programs
Ø  Tools
Ø  Select “Password Encoder”

Ex: write script to open 5th order number record in “FR” application
Step 1: activate “FR” window
Step 2: select “Open Order…” option in “File” menu
Step 3: activate “Open Order” sub window
Step 4: set “ON” for “Order No.” check box
Step 5: enter value “5” in edit box
Step 6: click on “OK” button

Window(“FR”).WinMenu(“Menu”).select “File;Open Order…”
Window(“FR”).Dailog(“Open Order”).Activate
Window(“FR”).Dialog(“Open Order”).WinCheckbox(“Order No.”).set “ON”
Window(“FR”).Dialog(“Open Order”).WinEdit(“Edit”).set “5”
Window(“FR”).Dialog(“Open Order”).winbutton(“OK”).click

Using “With” statements:
Using “With” statement in the script we can avoid writing parent object in each step

With objectclass (“object name”)
                  .Method “value”

End With

Object Spy

Object Spy:
Using this component we can view the application object property values and operations which we can perform on that object

Ø  Click on “Tools” menu in QTP
Ø  Select “Object Spy”
Ø  Click on hand icon button
Ø  Click on application object which object properties and operations do you want to view

Window class object will contain Menu options
Dialog class object will not contain menu options

Ex: write script to perform login operation

Step 1: Activate Login window
Step 2: enter “Mindq” in “Agent Name:” edit box
Step 3: enter “Mercury” in “Password:” edit box
Step 4: click on “OK” button

Dialog(“Login”).WinEdit(“Agent Name:”).set “Mindq”
Dialog(“Login”).WinEdit(“Password:”).set “Mercury”


VbScript in QTP Part-3

Vb Script for standard windows based applications

Object class in VB Script
Main window
Window (“window name”)
Sub window/pop-up window
Dialog(“sub window name”)
List box\combobox
WinCombobox(“list box name”)
Check box
WinCheckbox(“check box name”)
Radio button
WinRadiobutton(“Radio button name”)
Edit box\text box
WinEdit(“Edit box name”)
Push button
WinButton(“object name”)
Menu object

Note: application object representation in VB Script

Syntax: ObjectClass(“object logical name”)

Test object methods
Activate a window
Enter value in edit box
Set “Value”
Enter value in pwd edit box
SetSecure “encoded string”
Or Set “Value”
Select option in menu
Select “Menu name;option”
Select item in a list box
Select “items” or select (item index)
Click on push button,link, image
Select option in webradiogroup
Check box operation
Set “ON”/”OFF”
Radiobutton operation

Ex: write script to perform multiply operation on “Calculator” application
Step 1: activate “Calculator” window
Step 2: click on “C” button
Step 3: click on “5” button
Step 4: click on “*” button
Step 5: Click on “9” button
Step 6: click on “=” button


Ex: write script to perform submit operation in a “Sample” window
Step 1: Activate Sample window
Step 2: enter “Rajesh” in “Name:” edit box
Step 3: select “30” in “Age:” list box
Step 4: select Male radio button
Step 5: click on “submit” button

Window(“Sample”).WinEdit(“Name:”).set “Rajesh”
Window(“Sample”).Wincombobox(“Age:”).select “30”

Vbscript in QTP Part-2

VB Script statement structure to perform operation on application object:

Syntax: Object hierarchy.Method “Value”

Write VB Script to enter “Rahul” in the “Name:” edit box at “Sample” window           
Script: Window(“Sample”).winEdit(“Name:”).Set “Rahul”

In general VB Script statement contains 3 sections
1.      complete hierarchy of test object (i.e. parent to child object)
2.      operation or method or Test Object method
3.      Value or data or test data

Note: based on application environment object class can be defined

Ex: for a Edit box\Text
Standard windows based application à WinEdit
Web based application           àWebEdit
Visual basic application àVbEdit
Java environment application àJavaEdit