Thursday 23 January 2014



Defect : If a feature is not working according to the requirement, it is called a defect.
Deviation from requirement specification is called as defect.

Developer develops the product – test engineer starts testing the product – he finds a defect – now the TE must send the defect to the development team.

He prepares a defect report – and sends a mail to the Development lead saying “bug open.
Development lead looks at the mail and at the bug – and by looking at the bug – he comes to know to which development engineer developed that feature which had a bug – and sends the defect report to that particular developer and says “bug assigned”.

The development engineer fixes the bug – and sends a mail to the test engineer saying “bug fixed” – he also “cc mail” to the development lead.
Now the TE takes the new build in which the bug is fixed – and if the bug is really fixed – then sends a mail to the developer saying “bug closed” and also “cc mail” to the development lead.

Every bug will have an unique number.
If the defect is still there – it will be sent back as “bug reopen”. 



Defect ID – it is an unique number given to the defect

Test Case Name – whenever we find a defect, we send the defect report and not the test case to the developer. For defect tracking, we only track the defect report and not the test case. Test case is only for reference for the TE. We always only send the defect report whenever we catch a bug.

Given below is – how a defect report looks like


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