Tuesday 9 September 2014

Components in QTP main screen

1.Tool Bar:
    It contains menu options and icons to perform operations on QTP

2. Test Pane:
It is like an editor screen, where we can generate automation script using recording modes or by writing script manually and also we can perform required editing operations
There are 2 types of views in Test pane:
                                    a. Expert View:
In this view by default script generates in VB Script
In general we prefer Expert View where it is easy to write the script manually

                                    b. Keyword view:
In this view script generates in simple understandable language in terms of Item, Operation, Value and Documentation
In this view script is easy to understand without VB script knowledge

3. Active Screen:
By default during recording QTP captures snapshot of application for each recorded statement and those will be maintained in Active screen component
-easy to understand script
-we can perform enhancement in the script like inserting checkpoints, output values and new steps
-we can view/add objects into ‘Object Repository’

-Active screen files will occupy more memory space

Using “Active Screen modes” in “General Options” we can configure Active screen capture settings

Note: if active screen files are ready exist then while saving test script we can set “OFF” for “save Active screen files” check box to remove Snapshots for a test

4. Data Table:
QTP default providing built-in data table, where we can import/maintain test data and then we can parameterize test script
There are 2 types of sheets in Data table
                                    a. Global sheet:
By default Test will execute multiple times based number of rows filled with test data in Global sheet

Using test data from Global sheet we can parameterize any Action script within the test

                                    b. Action/Local sheet:
By default for each action QTP provides individual local sheets in data table

Irrespective of number of rows filled with test data in Action sheet test will execute only one time

Using test data from Action/local sheet we can parameterize that particular Action script only

In Test we can create maximum 255 Actions

5. Test Flow:
In this component we can view the sequence of actions execution flow and also based on requirement we can reorder those actions execution flow

In general Actions will execute in a test, in which sequence we created those actions

6. Debug viewer:
During execution break time to view the intermediate values of variables and to modify those values based on requirement we can use debug viewer
There are 3 sections in Debug viewer:
                                    Watch: to view specific variable value
                                    Variables: to view all the variable values at Breakpoint
                                    *Command: to modify value in a variable

7. Information pane: (Ctrl+F7)
To view any syntax errors information in the script we use information pane

8. Missing Resources:
In general for a test we associate different resource files like repositories, library functions, environment variables, test data, recovery scenarios…etc

For a opened test any associated resource file is not available that information will be provided in “Missing Resources” component


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