Tuesday 9 September 2014

Vbscript in QTP - Part-1

VB Script
It is a Microsoft scripting language
VB script is case-insensitive
For comment we can use “Rem” or Single quote (‘) in front of the statement
Action Template: (Header file)
To get pre-defined components in each Action script in QTP we create and maintain Action Template

In general following are the components maintained in Action Template:
Created By:
Created On:
Test Script Description:
Referred Doc:
QTP version:
Reviewed By:
Reviewed On:

Navigation: to create Action template
  • Open Text file
  • Write required components in Action template
  • Provide comments (Rem or “’”) for each component
  • Save file with name as “ActionTemplate.mst” in QTP, data folder
  • (mstà module script template)

For a QTP we can maintain only one Action template, based on requirement we can modify information in Action template that modification will be effected only for new tests


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