Thursday 11 September 2014

Object Repository Part-1

Object Repository
It has objects and it’s properties which are used in the script during runtime
the tool will search for the object repository, based on properties it will recognize the object in application.

Object Repository Types:-
In QTP we have 2 types of OR’s

a.Local OR (per-Action)
b.Shared OR

a.Local OR:-
It is a default OR type for each action in QTP

 For each action QTP provides individual Local OR

 When we save\open test by default QTP implicitly save\open corresponding Local OR
  w.r to test

 **Local OR file extension is .bdb (Berkeley DB) from QTP 9.2 version


Local OR test objects are not reusable for other actions

Local OR files are not possible to open explicitly
  (by open test in QTP only we can see the test object in Local OR)

b.Shared OR file:-
In General we prefer Shared OR file in Organization

Where as explicitly TE has to create shared OR file by collecting required Test objects

information and he need to associate shared repository file to the required action

Shared OR file extension is .tsr (Test shared Repository / Test Script Rpository)

Advantage: -

Shared OR file we can reuse for different actions in different tests

Maintaining all test objects at one location is easy when updates are required

To modify The Shared Object Repository Select Enable for editing and then modify

Nav: Resources>>Objrepositorymanager>>File>>open sharedobjRep>>Filemenu>Enable


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