Thursday 11 September 2014

Object Identification during Runtime/Test Object Model (TOM)

Test Object: 
Objects which are exist in “Object Repository”
Where Test object consist some of the description property values

Runtime Object: 
Objects which are exist in AUT
Where Runtime object consist all the property values which are provided by developer
During runtime QTP use Test object description property values to identify runtime object in AUT, based on logical name used in the script

Learning process:
Adding new test objects into Object Repository is called learning or application maps
Learning can be performed in 2 ways:

1.      Auto-learning:
During recording by default QTP captures application object description properties on which object we perform operation and then collected description properties QTP maintain in the local OR
2.      Pre-learning:
When we write script manually at that time QTP is not able to collect corresponding Test object description properties.TE is responsible to add required Test objects in the Object repository based on which objects QTP need to perform operations
Ø  “Resources” menu in QTP
Ø  Select “Object Repository”
Ø  “Object” menu in OR
Ø  Select “Add objects to local” option
Ø  Click on application object
Ø  Click on “OK” after confirmation
Ø  Select Filter option based on requirement
Ø  Click on “OK”

Note: During pre-learning when we select parent object in application then QTP provides following Filter options
a.      Selected object only:
When we select this option QTP collects only parent object information without child objects

b.      Default object types:
In general we prefer this filter option
When we select this option QTP collects parent object and child objects information on which objects we can perform operations

c.       All object types:
When we select this option QTP collects parent object and all the child objects information including static text and static images

d.      Selected object types:
Using this filter option we can add specified class objects information only from parent object

Ex: add all the “Button” class test objects information only into OR from “FR” window

Ex: write script to select “Font…” option in “Format” menu in Notepad application


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