Thursday 11 September 2014

Object Repository Part-2

Associating shared OR:-
In general we prefer shared OR in organization,
Based on requirement we associate shared OR to an action script
Method1: from “Resources” menu

Navigation:  “Resources” menu

  >>Select “associated repositories”

  >>Click on “+” button

  >>Browse “shared OR “file path

  >>Select “Action name” in available Actions list

  >> Add into associated actions list 

  >>Click “OK” 

Method2: “Resources” menu>>Objrep>>Tools>>Associate rep.

Merge Shared Repositories:-
We can merge two Shared Repositories into single repositories

Navigation:  OR manager

  >>Tools menu

  >>OR merge Tool

  >>Select the Primary, Secondary file


  We can save it has another file .tsr

* Based on the technology of application the class name of objects are like

Web (Html)  Windows     Java   .Net (Win)   Sap   Sap (win)
Web Edit   Win Edit   Java Edit   SwF Edit   Sap Edit   Sap GUI Edit
Web Button  Win Button  Java Button  SwF Button  Sap Button   SapGUI Button 

Swf-----Standard Win Form 


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