Tuesday 9 September 2014

Standard Recording

Standard Recording:
It records mouse clicks and key board operations which we perform on supported environment applications
For each operation there will be individual steps generate in the script
Script will generate w. r. to class of the object
Navigation: for standard recording:
Open New Test in QTP
Click on “Record” icon
Perform operations on AUT, which operations do you want to convert into automation script
Stop recording

Ex: create Basic script to perform multiply operation on calculator application
Step 1: activate “Calculator” window
Step 2: click on “C” button
Step 3: click on “9” button
Step 4: click on “*” button
Step 5: Click on “5” button
Step 6: click on “=” button

Ex: create basic script to open 5th order number record in “FR” application
Step 1: activate “FR” window
Step 2: select “Open Order…” option in “File” menu
Step 3: activate “Open Order” sub window
Step 4: set “ON” for “Order No.” check box
Step 5: enter value “5” in edit box
Step 6: click on “OK” button

Ex: create basic script to perform login operation where QTP should open application during recording and runtime
Step 1: Activate Login window
Step 2: enter “Mindq” in “Agent Name:” edit box
Step 3: enter “Mercury” in “Password:” edit box

Step 4: click on “OK” button


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