Tuesday 9 September 2014

Testing process in QTP

Testing process in QTP:
To automate functionality testing with help of QTP we use following process

Plan the Test:
Analyze automation test scenario which you want to test

Prepare Tool for Recording:
In this phase we should open QTP with required Add-ins based on application environment in order to support

Specify on which application operations QTP need to convert into automation script using “Record & Run Settings”

“Automation” menu
Select “Record & Run Settings”
Click on “Record” icon in a New Test

In “Record & Run Settings” there are 2 types of options
1.      Record and Run test on any open windows based application:
When we select this option QTP able to record multiple application operations into automation script
2.      Record & Run only on:
When we select this option QTP records only on specified application operations and also QTP is able to launch application during recording and Runtime

Ex: prepare QTP to record only “FR” application operations
Open “R & R Settings”
Select “Record & Run Test only on” option
Click on [+] button
Browse “FR” application path
Select “Launch application” if required (when application not available on screen)
Click on “OK”
Click on “Ok”

Generating Basic script:
To perform required business transactions on AUT we generate basic script using recording modes or by writing script manually.

Enhancement of script:
After creation of basic script in order to validate application actual behavior we perform some editing operations in the script.
Following are the options we use during enhancement of script:

Output values
Conditional statements
Loop statements
Test object methods
Synchronization points
Transaction points
Parameterize script

Debug test script:
After enhancement to identify any logical errors and to confirm script will smoothly or not we perform debugging

Following are the debug commands:
Add to watch
Step Into
Step Out
Step Over

Execution of test script:
After debugging in order to validate application functionalities we execute test scripts as Test batches

Analyze Result:
After execution QTP provides test result in terms of pass/fail, where we analyze test result

Defect Reporting:
During result analysis if any defects deviations are identified then we can log the defect directly into Quality Center or we can export test result


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